Community Causes
Did you know the parents of approximately 15,300 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer,” every year? We are dedicated to making a difference in our community. We have set out to focus this campaign on children who are battling cancer. No one said it would be easy, but it’s not impossible. Having […]
Let’s Help Beat Cancer

Children Battling Medical Conditions Are Facing Educational Challenges
Nearly 200,000 children in the greater New York City area rely on the city school system for individualized education plans that take into account special requirements such as learning disabilities, speech impairments, or emotional disturbance. Likewise, children undergoing treatment for cancer require specialized plans to ensure they receive the education they deserve.
Tragically, a recent report from the City Council shows that tens of thousands of children in New York and the surrounding areas did not receive their mandated special education services.
Empowering Our Children
We hope you join us in helping to make sure all children in our area, regardless of the challenges they are facing, are able to receive the support and educational resources they deserve.
Nate Moran
Moran Insurance Agencies

This is a great place to add a tagline.
Did you know the parents of approximately 15,300 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer,” every year?
We are dedicated to making a difference in our community. We have set out to focus this campaign on children who are battling cancer. No one said it would be easy, but it’s not impossible.
Having a child with cancer is a difficult task. We want to make sure these children and families know they are not alone and offer them hope and relief to continue being strong through this fight.
“As local agents, we know the challenges our community faces battling cancer and Moran Insurance Agencies is here to support local children and their families,” said agency CEO Nate Moran.